Sunday, February 2, 2014

Brand Smart bonus material - "Taking Initiative – When Passion Meets Purpose"

by Vince Rogers

The renowned writer Aldous Huxley hypothesized that"Every civilization is, among other things, an arrangement for domesticating the passions of men and setting them to do useful work." His statement points out the two key conditions which are essential to a person realizing their highest human potential. In order for a person to achieve a higher purpose, they must have a passion for something worthwhile. In order to convert that passion into positive change, it is necessary to have an organized strategy for transforming that passion into purposeful action.
                                                                                                                                                          When passion meets purpose the result is high level achievement. The willingness to act boldly, consistently and purposefully are the keys to effectively implementing your Success Strategy. Throughout history, the stories associated with the greatest achievements of mankind usually follow this outline. Yet there are still many visionary achievements, advancements, ideas and inventions that the world is still awaiting.
Throughout history, magnificent strides have been made by men of action to further the human race. At least one of these bold new ideas for innovation and enterprise probably lies dormant within you. Will you honor the world by sharing your gifts? If so, start now.
In order to convert your passion into a tangible force for positive change, you have to create your Success Plan. Then you must consistently and purposefully take the initiative to work that plan every single day. Make a commitment to make this the day you begin to take initiative. It is up to you and you alone to take the necessary steps to discover your passion and fulfill your purpose!
Buy Brand Smart by Vince Rogers @ 
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