Monday, January 20, 2014

Brand Smart excerpt - "From Blog to Book: The Easy Road to Infopreneurship”

....The most well designed and highly informative blog on the internet is nothing without followers. I cannot emphasize strongly enough that the best way to gain a large captive audience of loyal followers is by regularly generating high quality content that is relevant to your target audience. To promote this content and increase their blog’s following; most bloggers utilize their existing networks on the most popular social media platforms Twitter, FaceBook, LinkedIn etc. Some other useful tips to growing your blog’s readership and fan base are to:
1) Use the blog traffic analytics provided by your blog publishing service to determine the readership patterns of your existing followers.
2) Make widgets or gadgets (apps that link your blog to other websites) available for readers to place on their social media pages, personal websites and personal blogs.
3) Interact with your blog followers by being responsive to their comments on your blog.
4) Follow as many other blogs as you can and regularly interact with other bloggers.
Now that you’re the publisher of a successful blog with an avid following, what’s next? You are the owner of your blog content and therefore free to publish your articles in any other online and print publications. For most bloggers utilizing their blog to grow their business is more than enough payoff for their effort and ingenuity. However, some savvy bloggers may want to take it a step further by using their blog content to enter the realm of information marketing....
Buy Brand Smart by Vince Rogers (Paperback) online at Lulu. 

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